Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 5 of stims

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted as much as I would like and IVF are keeping me extra busy lately, lol.  Anyway, I went in for my day 5 appointment today and the tech said my uterine lining is an 8.3, which is great for day 5.  She said that my right ovary had 9 follicles and that my left ovary has about 2 that were the same size as the ones on my right ovary.  So I have about 11 follicles that are all in the same size range.  She didn't tell me what those sizes were but said they were good for day 5.  I will be asking what the sizes were today and what they are on Friday when we go back in for another ultrasound and blood work.  She did say that there are a few smaller follies on my left ovary that could very likely catch up....hoping and praying that they do!  I got my afternoon call that my E2(estrogen level) is 467, which she said is great for day 5. They are having me continue my meds at the same dose until I go back in on Friday for my next appt.  I am really hoping to have my ER(egg retrieval) on the 1st of Nov, but who knows I may have it a day before or after that....we'll see.  We will probably find that out on Friday.  Hopefully. :) As for side effects of all these crazy hormones, I am having headaches, hot flashes, lots of tiredness, and I am definitely more irritable than normal(thankfully, I am pretty good at recognizing it, so for the most part I am catching myself before I snap at someone, for the most and I am crying, basically at the drop of a hat, or maybe some more insurance commercials. :p  I can't wait to be back to my old self but, at the cost of being pregnant, will most certainly wait 9 months. :D

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